I wish i could look every single person in the eyes while holding their cheeks in the palm of my hands and tell them what it’s really like. To debunk every misconception about this industry and simply set the record straight.
Almost 7 years ago i said yes to Network Marketing, in a season where this industry was still somewhat taboo. It’s not at all what i thought it’d be like. it’s better. it’s harder some days. It’s challenging, but also so rewarding. There are moments of heartbreak and breakthroughs. and with tons of disappointments along the way, i’m changed. I’ve learned & failed. I’m proud and humbled most days. It’s wrecked me and built me back up. I’ve learned how to bridge my passions into my work – sharing my life, family, and business.
I am not the same. i’m better. My scary bold yes propelled me to both growth and discomfort. I’m a better wife, mom, leader, friend, and mentor all because of the ways this business model has pushed me far outside of my comfort zone to build new skills, learn new platforms, tools, and strategies. No one knows what they’re doing and everyone starts party of one. you’re signing up for a journey of becoming, a front row seat to what you’re actually capable of. And let me tell you, the only difference between where you are and where you want to be is time (days, weeks, months) and the steps you haven’t taken yet. the things you haven’t done yet. They’re bold, risky, and wildly uncomfortable at times, but i can tell you with absolute certainty, action moves and every single moment has all been worth it.

Dan and i were in a season of transition, moving from Chicago to Atlanta. I was coming off of an extended maternity leave and had every intention of jumping back into corporate. after all, i had spent years of my life getting my Masters in Psychology and managing internal operations for an online company where i worked my way up from entry level to executive management. I had found success, moved up a corporate ladder quickly, and was thriving in my in my work.
I caught one glimpse of the opportunity right in front of me, the barrier and risk of entry was so low, and well, the rest is history.

I began to dream in that moment. Decided to not return to corporate and have been forward facing ever since. I knew nothing about network marketing until I was in network marketing. Funny how things work out like that. But it’s also why i didn’t fully understand why some would go running in the opposite direction if you even mentioned these three letters – M. L. M.
Early on, I became increasingly motivated to show people IT CAN BE DONE! it is possible and not just for the unicorns of the world. but for the basic moms who wear jeans, oversized t-shirts, and many hats. For those of us who relish in long car rides by ourselves, sipping our starbies iced coffees, wandering the aisles of Target.
I faced dozens of challenges and harsh realities that in this industry you’re no one’s boss but your own. I had to adjust my expectations and became really good at pouring into people relationally, giving of my time and resources. I learned to embody servant leadership and lead from the front.

Why Partnering with Arbonne Could Be Your Game-Changing Move
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to bet on yourself? To chase dreams that your younger self thought were out of reach? Well, let me introduce you to a opportunity that could be the catalyst for your personal and financial growth – partnering with Arbonne.
Arbonne isn’t just another network marketing company; it’s a vehicle for transformation. With 44 years of experience, this company has stood the test of time while staying ahead of market trends. But what truly sets Arbonne apart?
1. A Generous Compensation Plan
Imagine earning not just on the front end of a sale, but for the entire lifespan of your customer. That’s right – Arbonne pays 15% on all customer sales for LIFE. This isn’t about quick wins; it’s about building a sustainable income that can grow over time.
2. Volume-Based Success
Unlike some MLMs, Arbonne’s business model isn’t dependent on recruiting or having a large downline. It’s completely volume-based, which means your success is in your hands. You have the power to grow your business at your own pace.
3. No Large Upfront Costs
You simply buy your product (for yourself to use & consume) and upgrade to consultant, that’s it. And here’s a game-changer: you don’t have to pay a single dollar to earn your commissions. You could go six months without spending anything and still make all of your commissions. This is especially crucial for those just starting out who might not have a lot of capital to invest.
4. Smart Product Cycle
Arbonne focuses on 30-day cycle consumables. Think about it – selling products that last a super long time or sit on a shelf isn’t the smartest move. With products like greens, protein, and fizz, you’re tapping into a market of repeat customers who need to replenish monthly.
5. Exceptional Customer Service
Strong customer retention is the backbone of any successful business. Arbonne understands this, providing a seamless customer experience from website navigation to checkout, speedy shipping, and stellar customer support. Happy customers mean a thriving business.
6. More Than Just Income – It’s a Lifestyle
Partnering with Arbonne isn’t just about selling products; it’s about embracing a lifestyle of health, wellness, and personal growth. It’s about building a community and making a positive impact on others’ lives.
So, why choose network marketing with Arbonne over other options? Well, as I like to say, “I don’t really see myself twirling around slinging clothes & my amazon faves when I’m in my 60s.” This isn’t just about building an income; it’s about creating time freedom and a sustainable future.
Remember, there are no guarantees or shortcuts to success. My journey with Arbonne has been uniquely mine – slower than some, faster than others. But what I’ve learned is the power of trusting the process, pressing in when it gets hard, and leaning into discipline and consistency when it gets even harder.
Arbonne could be your vehicle to chase dreams, fund causes, and build a legacy. It’s not just about you – it’s about showing the people looking up to you what’s possible when you believe in yourself.
What It Looks Like To Partner With Arbonne
- $99 to get started ($70 if you’re already a client
- no starter sets – you buy what you use
- up to 35% commission
- 35%+ consultant discount
- monthly bonuses at every level
- can earn lux incentive trips at any level
- 44 years ahead of market trends, branding, clean ingredients, & transparency.
- certified B corp – highest score in direct sales industry
- paid 5x/ month
- strong leadership
- 1:1 mentorship w/ me
- business in a box – simple systems
- an abundance of resources at your fingertips

Listen, it is possible to do the seemingly impossible in the midst of the mundane. It’s possible to have and build something for you and for them when you feel like you’ve lost yourself in motherhood.
A decided heart, a willingness to learn, plus an undeniable work ethic laced in so much self assurance is your strategy to the top 1%. It’s small steps in the right direction that equate to massive movement over time. There’s no stepping out or slowing down, it’s going ALL IN and full tilt — owning with full confidence the industry you’re a part of, the products you’re sharing, and the company you partnered with.
Are you ready to take that leap? To align yourself with stellar products and an amazing company? You’re one decision and one mindset shift away from potentially changing your whole life, and being part of this incredible community. Jump. Say yes. Bet on you!

Network marketing is hard, heartbreaking at times, and it takes a certain level of grit, tenacity, and so much discipline. Success will not happen to you, but i never wanted to look back and wonder what it would have turned into if i had just kept going.
This business has changed me. It’s allowed me to pursue a more creative outlet. It’s forced me to pivot and build out new skills. It’s challenged me to do the hard and unconventional things. To become more confident and bold. I am not the same. I’m better. For choosing belief over scarcity. For not giving up, but staying the course. For encouraging and inspiring others to do the same. What an absolute joy and gift to show people what is possible, the work I get to do.
True wealth is owning your own time. And achievement isn’t about speed. It’s about endurance.
You know why people say YES to network marketing?? Because they want CHOICES. They simply want to choose how they get to move through their life.
I got really comfy with being misunderstood. I knew what i wanted, where i was going, what was possible, the life i could have, and then said NO to everything that wasn’t propelling me towards that.
In one year, with one decision, i changed my whole life. Time is passing. Stop waiting. The cost of procrastination is the life you could have been living! Abundance is the goal, in all areas! It can be done. If her, then me. If me, then YOU!
My Biggest Pieces Of Advice:
1. Have An Open Mind
Set aside everything you think you know about NWM or maybe have experienced in the past. PUT FRESH EYES ON ARBONNE!
2.Work Hard And Act With Speed
As if things NEED to get done today, because they do – everything you do or don’t do will impact where you’re at one year from now.
3. Keep Things Simple
Overcomplicating things kills momentum. complexity serves no one. simplify it all – that’s where i come in. — i have everything you need, every resources & system that i get to hand to you.
4. Set A Minimum Daily Standard
What is the baseline that’s needed to move the needle forward- prioritize it daily and accept nothing less.
I hope when you land here you feel an immense amount of encouragement that this could be you. A dream so big it drives you to more grit and tenacity within you!
Network marketing changed my life. Arbonne made possible everything i always knew i was capable of! EXECUTIVE NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT and the top 1% is truly a dream come true — one that didn’t come without obstacles, setbacks, heartbreak, and failures. But oh the joy of picking yourself back up every time and refusing complacency and mediocrity. Ten years from now I hope you’ll be able to say you chose your life & didn’t settle for it.
It’s $65 to join me and learn what I do. If you’re feeling that nudge or simply want more options – send me a message and let’s chat!

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